Begin Here Guide All DTC Dog Teams
Mar 07, 2025Begin Here. How to use my blog. I offer in person and online dog handler training. All students directly and indirectly working with me are expected to be self starters, disciplined and motivated to reach short and long term training goals. I offer free basic self starter guides for us to utilize.
All dogs are long term commitments and training your dog is no different. We begin with self paced online instruction and tips from my weekly blog posts. The blog all categories offer a table of contents so you can easily navigate the blog posts from past and present. You can skip to what you want.
The full master list of DTC dog and handler training gear I use and teach you to use. Is posted for you to purchase directly through using the product links. I have required gear and non required gear listed on the Gear I Love page. Do not buy everything! See the DTC Required gear page. This basic gear is for ALL teams in training regardless of purpose or age of dog. Over the course of your training journey I will recommend other gear from that list that is suitable for your purpose.
Consider joining my DTC Insider subscription for free. I will send you the most relevant training updates, articles and offer to your inbox. The form for joining is found on the master blog page or through this link.
Membership is required to receive personalized and general online training course and is a paid membership. You get a free online account with DTC and are encouraged to log in today to set it up.
Once your online membership account is set up, you will receive email confirmation and steps for what is next. After the account is approved you will begin to see my Library of classes available. Please note that the DTC ONLINE course is still being designed. This means that the library currently has no classes offered for purchase. You can set up your membership account and will be notified when the course is open and launches.
We will be utilizing the online and in person training course called DTC Hybrid Dog Handler Training starting April 2026.
Presently we are in person training and online training using my self start guides, weekly articles and consultation request forms for in person training found on this website. As well as free DTC Insider email subscription is in play.
Don't forget to set up your free membership account so you can be the first to utilize and begin to purchase DTC online classes and courses.
Happy training,
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