DTC Required Gear: One Tigris Mammouth Pack

dtc required gear fitness Feb 10, 2025

 Weight Vest vs Weight Pack For Dog Training

Understanding the distinction between the two


DTC required dog gear for successful training.  You can purchase your dog training pack from my Training Gear I Love page.  The link is called   One Tigris Mammoth Pack. The link for the weights that go in the pack are CAP 20 pound pair ankle weights for packs. These links take  you directly to Amazon so you can pick the size of pack you want and buy it.  The links are embedded with my Amazon store code.  I appreciate your support.


Moreover, understanding the distinction between weight vests and weight packs for dogs can greatly enhance training outcomes.  Both weight packs and vests are used for fitness training with me to build muscle and maintain the overall physical condition of your dog.  Both are used for long term behavior training and modification. 


A weight pack is essentially a backpack tailored to fit dogs based on their body measurements. It features a chest strap and a belly strap, with adjustable sizing options. The pack is equipped with right and left saddle bags that drape over the dog's back, positioning the saddlebags along each side of the dog's rib-cage. In contrast, a weight vest offers a slimmer fit, hugging the dog's body more closely and streamlined, with space solely for weights to be inserted. Both options are instrumental in fitness training, daily workouts, and long-term behavior management.

One Tigris Mammouth Pack-Black

Weight packs typically contain weights made of sand, BBs, or rice, which can be purchased separately, such as sand weights for the One Tigris Mammoth pack on Amazon. For instance, I utilize CAP 20-pound pair ankle weights for packs, opening them to remove the 2-pound pairs individually, allowing for adjustable weight classes tailored to the dog's needs. The One Tigris Mammoth pack excels in load distribution, enabling dogs to carry weight comfortably throughout the day. Beyond workouts and fitness, this pack is ideal for day hikes and outings, accommodating water bladders and collapsible bowls, with additional weight for a challenge if necessary for dog.


On the other hand, the X dog weight vest is also designed for fitness and behavior management. Its slimmer fit makes it suitable for service dogs, therapy dogs, and pets who walk or run closely with their handlers. Unlike saddle bags, which can create a "wide load" and interfere with movement, the vest allows for more seamless, unobstructed activity.

X dog weight vest

The X dog fitness vest comes with small bags that you fill with sand, rice or BBs.  Which are sold separately.  I always have on hand CAP 20-pound pair ankle weights.  I utilize the sand from these by cutting open the plastic insert sacks.  I fill the X dog vest to the desired weight class I want for my dog in training. 


Both weight packs and vests are used for fitness training with me to build muscle and maintain the overall physical condition of your dog.  Both are used for long term behavior training and modification.  The pack is best for growing dogs under 12 months as it has the best versatility and price point for accommodating growth sizing.  The vest is best for adults over 16 months as it has less versatility in weight class and loading abilities.  Both vests and packs are used on all dogs of all ages to enhance well being, behavior and fitness outcomes on a daily basis.


For DTC Excelon teams, the One Tigris Mammoth pack is essential training gear, while the X dog vest is recommended for specific individuals. Depending on personal goals and training purposes, both the X dog vest and the pack might be required to ensure successful outcomes.

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