DTC Required Gear: Motorized Dog Treadmill

dtc required gear treadmill training Nov 26, 2024

DTC required dog gear for successful training.  You can purchase your motorized dog treadmill from my Training Gear I Love page.  The link is called Dog Pacer 3 series for large dogs and takes you directly to Amazon so you can pick the size of cot you want and buy it.  The links are embedded with my Amazon store code. 

Please note I also recommend Jog A Dog brand motorized treadmill.  The jog a dog link to their home website is included in this blog post.  You may also use your human treadmill that you have at your house now.  We can train your dog to use any motorized treadmill. I also use non motorized treadmills. For those of you who are interested in non motorized please subscribe for free and we can share ideas for you.


DTC Excelon Dogs Workout Daily On Treadmills


I train both puppies and adults to walk, gait and run on treadmills.  All healthy active dogs over the age of 12 weeks are ready to begin.  Adults and puppies easily take to walking on the treadmill and after 21 days of mental training; dogs must use their mind to focus, balance and stay on the treadmill.  Making it a mental and physical form of daily exercise.


Jog a DC6 Model

Treadmills I use are Jog a dog.  I have the DC6 model.  My breed of dog does require a belt that is 65-72 inches in length for continues smooth movement.  When purchasing a treadmill for your dog you want room for the dog to float front to back on the running belt.  A belt that is too short is no good for daily use.  You will create poor “squatty” movement in your dogs’ gait for example.    If you have Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Weimaraner, Doberman these breeds have far reaching gaits and need the 72-inch-long belt offered by Jog a dog.



Short reaching breeds are bully’s, Australian Shepherds, Labradors, and most Border Collies can use a medium length belt 55 inches – 62 inches.  Dog pacer offers a mini pacer, which is a belt surface of 38 inches long which is TOO short for both breeds.  The dog will not be able to comfortably gait and float from front to back.    This means you would get the Dog Pacer 3.1 Large Dog for these active breeds of dogs I have mentioned.  


With 6 sessions at your house, using my in home private training session offer you can train your dog to  exercise everyday rain or shine, all winter even when you are tired!  


Dog Pacer 3.1 Large Dogs or newer model is available on Amazon. 


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