The Importance of Exercise for Dogs: A Professional Dog Trainer's Approach

fitness Feb 03, 2025

The Importance of Exercise for Dogs: A Professional Dog Trainer's Approach

Overcoming Challenges and Innovating Solutions



It is my firm belief that all dogs require exercise. The journey to ensuring each dog receives adequate physical activity has been filled with challenges, especially as a professional dog trainer managing multiple dogs. The sheer amount of time needed to exercise each dog individually was a significant hurdle.

When I began my career, I was responsible for eight dogs plus litters of puppies. If one considers that each dog needs to be walked in the morning and evening, that translates to two hours per dog each day. Exercising all eight dogs manually meant dedicating my entire day to their fitness. Initially, I relied on my own physical effort, biking, running, and walking the dogs, but it became clear that I needed a more efficient method.

The breakthrough came when I acquired my first treadmill from Craigslist. This innovation allowed me to exercise the dogs more effectively and manage my time better. However, integrating treadmills into the dog exercise regimen required careful planning and program development.

First, I had to design a fitness program for eight dogs, including adolescent dogs and adults living with me for long-term training. This program needed to cater to their specific physical and behavioral needs. Next, I created a regimen for pregnant and nursing mothers, their litters of eight-week-old puppies, and aggressive breeding males. Each of these groups presented unique challenges, particularly the aggressive dogs that needed to drain their energy while avoiding conflicts with each other.

The treadmill solution enabled me to address these challenges. By developing structured exercise programs tailored to the needs of different types of dogs, I could ensure that each one remained fit and healthy. My personal commitment to physical fitness was also a driving factor in finding a way to stay active while managing the dogs' exercise routines.

In conclusion, the importance of exercise for dogs cannot be overstated. Through innovative solutions and structured programs, I was able to overcome the challenges of exercising multiple dogs and ensure their well-being. The journey has been demanding but ultimately rewarding, as I continue to strive for the best for my canine companions.

Continue reading DTC training articles for new dogs and puppies:

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